Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Just Me :)

My name is Nancy Van and this year i am a junior. This would be my second year in Alameda, i've lived in Oakland my whole entire life. One of the most valuable thing about me would have to be my cellphone. Without my phone i feel so distant from friends, i feel so empty like something really important to me is missing. I say most people, when they first meet me or look at me, they have that thought where they think i'm mean, and not sociable. Other people might think and see me otherwise, they might look at me and see a girl that they can walk all over or bully, i think thats because usually i'm the quiet one. But if they really get to know me, and know that if something is really bothering me i will do something about it. Everybody should be able to stand up for themselves. Others might underestimate me, and think that i'm not going to be successful in school. But I, myself know that if i try i can accomplish anything i put my mind and heart in. As long as my mind is set on doing something, i'll get it done. Only time when i don't try is probably when i'm stressing about something. I like to get what i give. When i'm older i would love to travel all over the world, i want to experience how life is in other countries and states. I am a sibling of three others, i have one older brother, one younger brother, and one older sister. My family and i love spending time with each other, we usually go out every sunday for dinner. We used to travel across the world to Vietnam every summer, to visit my dad's side of the family. My father is albino, he was born with no color, therefore, he is white and has blonde hair. The reason why i'm in this sophomore class is because i failed last semester of last year. my favorite subject in school would have to be math and PE. I find those classes the easiest class, where i can easily get A's. My least favorite class would have to be history, i find history pointless, and sometimes super confusing. English can sometimes be an issue too, but most of the time i love writing, especially when i get to choose my own topic to write about. When i'm stressed out i like to take the time out of my day to write about anything and everything. Things here at alameda high is much quicker and at times a bit more difficult too. I have to say, Oakland High School is way easier than Alameda High School, from my opinion. Here at Alameda High, missing one day can hurt your grades a whole lot, but not only that, you'll be super behind, well for me atlas. My goals for this year is to be on top of my work, try and pass my classes, make up all the credits i'm missing, get to class on time, go to school as often as i can, and try to turn as much work as possible on time, have fun and enjoy my junior year! For english specifically, i want to work on grammar and punctuations, and run-on sentences. During summer i spend most of my time with my friends. In August i went to Vietnam with just my dad and sister. We went for almost three weeks, since i haunt been there for almost four years. when i went, everything seems so different, upgraded. My family members are so grown now and most of the houses are broken down and built up into stringer houses. Almost everything changed except the weather, it was still super hot and super humid. During my free time, i love spending it with my friends either at my house or their house, at the mall or the movies. Its always fun to hang out with friends. But if i don't have any plans i would stay home and rest. I used to play volleyball in the eighth grade, and cheered in the ninth grade. I stopped since i had to move to a different school. But as of right now, i am not playing any sports. I am a quiet, shy girl when first meeting new people, but when i get to know those new people, i start opening up and being myself. If anyone really took the time and got to know me they'll know how much of a sweetheart i am, and how friendly i am. I love meeting new people.

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